Scalp advancement

Scalp advancement, also known as scalp advancement flap, is a surgical procedure commonly used in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. It is primarily performed to address issues such as hairline recession, forehead reduction, or to correct various scalp conditions. Here’s an overview of scalp advancement


  1. Hairline Recession: Scalp advancement is often employed to lower the hairline and reduce the appearance of a high forehead.
  2. Forehead Reduction: It can be used to decrease the size of the forehead and create a more balanced facial appearance.
  3. Scalp Conditions: In some cases, scalp advancement may be performed to address congenital anomalies or trauma-related scalp deformities.


  1. Incision: A horizontal incision is made along the hairline, typically from temple to temple.
  2. Tissue Movement: The scalp tissue is then advanced forward and downward, effectively lowering the hairline or reducing the size of the forehead.
  3. Suturing: The scalp tissue is sutured into its new position, and excess skin may be removed.
  4. Closure: The incision is closed with sutures or staples.


  1. Individuals with a high hairline or large forehead who desire a more proportional appearance.
  2. Those with congenital anomalies or traumatic scalp deformities.


  1. Swelling and Bruising: Patients may experience temporary swelling and bruising after the procedure.
  2. Suture Removal: Sutures or staples are typically removed within a week or two.
  3. Resuming Activities: Most patients can return to normal activities within a couple of weeks, but strenuous activities may need to be avoided for a longer period.


  1. Immediate Results: The results of scalp advancement are immediately visible, but some swelling and bruising may initially affect the appearance.
  2. Final Outcome: The final outcome becomes more apparent as swelling subsides and the scalp heals.
  3. Scarring: While efforts are made to minimize scarring, there will be a scar along the hairline. Skilled surgeons aim for a well-hidden scar that blends with the natural hairline.


  1. Consultation: A thorough consultation with a qualified plastic or reconstructive surgeon is essential to discuss individual goals, assess candidacy, and understand potential risks.
  2. Realistic Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome and understand that some degree of scarring is inevitable.

As with any surgical procedure, scalp advancement requires careful consideration, and patients should choose a skilled and experienced surgeon. Individual experiences and results may vary, so it's crucial to communicate openly with the surgeon and follow post-operative care instructions for the best outcomes.